You have been scheduled for a prostate biopsy. The procedure itself takes 5-10 minutes; however, you will be in the office for approximately 30 minutes. Please read and follow the instructions carefully. If you have any questions, please call the office at 203-853-4200.
- You will be prescribed antibiotics. Typically, it will be one of the following medications-cefadroxil, ciprofloxacin, or bactrim. Take one tablet by mouth the evening before procedure, one tablet the morning of the procedure, and one the evening following the procedure.
- You should complete, one Fleet’s enema 2 hours prior to the procedure. This can be purchased from any pharmacy over the counter (no prescription needed).
- You should not take any blood thinners for at least 5 days prior to the biopsy (includes motrin, ibuprofen, coumadin, warfarin, aspirin, plavix, pradaxa). Please inform your family doctor/internist/cardiologist of the biopsy date and confirm it is safe to discontinue your medication.
- Tylenol is ok to take anytime before or after the biopsy
What to Expect After the Biopsy
- Discomfort in the biopsy area. This is typically mild and will usually get better within 1-2 days. Taking ibuprofen and sitting in a warm bath for a couple days will often help.
- Blood in the urine. Passing red urine and even some clots can occur. This typically lasts 3-5 days.
- Blood in the stool. You will likely notice blood in your stool and/or toilet paper for 3-5 days after the biopsy.
- Blood in the semen. It is common to notice blood with sexual activity. This is expected and can last for several months after the biopsy.
When to Call the Doctor
- If you get a fever (temperature > 101)
- If you are unable to urinate
- If you are passing a lot of blood clots in the urine that is not clearing up.
When Will the Biopsy Results Be Available?
- Biopsy results are usually available 10 days after the procedure. Make sure you make a follow up appointment with the doctor to review the results.
Billing Information
Many patients have insurance plans with deductibles. For established patients with health insurance, Norwalk Urology’s billing staff will contact your insurer to see if your deductible has been met. If it has, we will bill your insurance company for services rendered. If not, payment is due at the time of service. We urge all patients to familiarize themselves with their own insurance plan details.
There will be 2 charges related to the biopsy:
- Charges by the physician performing the biopsy in our practice
- Charges by the pathologist who will be processing and reviewing the biopsy specimens
Occasionally there will be additional charges if the pathologist needs to perform additional testing on the submitted biopsy specimen.
If at any time you would like to speak with our billing staff to discuss any concerns or understand the details of the charges or billing process, please call 203-853-4200, ext. 309.